
Qualifications & Exams Department

This page is overseen by Ms Phillips (Head of Qualifications and Exams) and Mrs Taylor (Exams Officer).

Please email us with any questions you may have. We are available to discuss with you and your parents/carers all of your queries or concerns about your exams and qualifications.

Mrs M Taylor Exams Officer: ataylor@oakbank.beds.sch.uk

Ms M Phillips Head of Qualifications & Exams: mphillips@oakbank.beds.sch.uk

Exams update 2020/21

The Education Secretary has confirmed that:

There are no GCSE exams this year (2020/21)

There are no SATS exams this year (2020/21)

All other exams and qualification assessments are due to take place, but there may be some changes to how these exams and assessments are run. For Oak Bank school this includes the following:

How Exam grades will be awarded

Once we have been told how the grades for GCSE exams will be decided, we will let you know. We will tell you by sending you a letter, by sharing information on this page, on the school website and Facebook page.

If there are changes to any other qualifications or exams, we will let you know about these as soon as we are made aware.

Work To Be Completed By Pupils

For all subjects, you should continue to complete all of the work that you are required to do by your subject teachers. This includes completing any Mock Exam/Test papers that you are set.

We will need all of your work as evidence of your learning and achievement towards your qualifications.

If you have any questions about your work, you can ask your subject teacher or you can email Ms Phillips.


Functional Skills Level 1 & 2

Functional Skills Entry Level

Number and Measure Award Level 1 & 2

Statistical Methods Award Level 1 & 2

Algebra Award Level 2

Entry Level Certificate


Functional Skills Level 1 & 2

Functional Skills Entry Level

Entry Level Certificate


Single Award Entry Level Certificate

Double Award Entry Level Certificate

Entry Level Certificate

BTECS & Technical awards

ICT BTEC Technical Award in Creative Media

V CERT Technical Award in Health & Fitness

Animal Care BTEC First

Princes Trust

Award Entry Level, level 1 & 2

Certificate level 1 & 2

NCFE Employability Award

Award Level 1


Short Courses All Subject Areas (PSHE, Living Independently, Careers, Enterprise, Key Steps, Humanities, Personal Development Bronze, Foodwise, Animal Care).

Exam Timetable and Key Information

A copy of the school Exam Timetable will be available once dates for all Exams (other than GCSEs) have been approved.

All Pupils will receive an individual exam timetable, a statement of entry and an exam guidance and preparation booklet.

Links to Exam Board Websites

These websites have a lot of information, some of which may be of interest to you. If you have a specific question about any of your qualifications or exams please email one of us as we will be able to help you.






