Welcome to PShE.

I hope you are all well and find this page useful.

It will be updated with new information / links.

I have attached links to stories that are thought provoking and inspiring as well as links to useful websites for support and further information.

I miss you all and hope to see you soon back in school for a cup of tea and a bisuit.

The boy, the mole, the fox and the horse.

Aninspiring story.

I had a black dog...

A story based on the subject of depression.

PSHE SHort Course

Click on the PSHE picture to find out more about the PSHE course overview.


PSHE Remote work.

Please find the PSHE remote learning work for all year groups. Any questions please email:

Vivo Rewards

Click on the logo to check how many Vivo rewards you have.

Relaxing Music.

Music to help you relax.

Young Minds.

A link to mental health support.

Click on the Young minds picture.

Sexual Health.

A link to information and support on health.

Click on the Health for Teens picture.

“Do not fear failure but rather fear not trying.” Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart